Recycle Your Auto – Not Just a Car Removal Service

November 7, 2017 5:10 pm Published by

Although our name ‘Recycle Your Auto’ may be deceiving, we also offer the removal and recycling of heavy-duty trucks, vans, trailers, buses, machinery, forklifts and/or other types of metal farming equipment. Not only will this enable you to clean up your yard, farm or driveway, but we will also PAY you to do so!

The Benefit of Recycling Your Farming Equipment

The Fraser Valley is a proud community of farmers, many of which have been in the same family for generations. And with each generation, technology has changed and advances have been made to farming equipment.

Although there may be sentimental reasons for hanging on to your old farm equipment – considered a family heirloom, there are also environmental factors that should be considered. Not just for your community at large, but also for the health of your farm as well.

Corroding equipment is destructive to your soil, and with the likelihood of there still being many liters of unused oils, gases and other fluids inside your machinery, this too will begin to leak into your soil over time.

Within very little time, due to rain, wind and other natural elements, these damaging fluids will seep into the ground deeper and further, extending into your crops or onto the land where your animals feed.

It may be a nice idea to hold onto equipment your father’s father once used to ‘til the soil’, but in reality, unless it is stored properly, this is actually causing damage to the land you are proud to have owned for generations.

Whether you’re holding onto ancient implements still sitting around the farm, a rusted plow, broken combines, or unusable tractors – we can remove them!

Simple Steps to Removing Your Farming Equipment Include…

  • Contacting Our 24 Hour Phone Service …at 778-732-9253 to schedule a time that works best for you!
  • Removing Your Farming Equipment …no need for keys, we’ve got you covered!
  • Getting Paid …as our appreciation to you for helping the environment!

Recycle Your Auto is the leading Auto Recycler in the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland region. We will ensure that you get the most money for your farming equipment, remove it safely while aiding in the health of your farm, and properly recycling it so many more generations to come can enjoy our beautiful earth!

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This post was written by chris