Local Businesses Giving Back During a Time of Need
November 15, 2018 5:14 pmThere is no specific “time of need” when it comes to those IN need, but there does seem to be an increased impact during the holiday season. Not only for physical needs such as food, clothing and shelter, but also the emotional needs that come from feeling alone or isolated in a tough situation, wrestling with a mental illness or simply having lost sight of those who truly care for your wellbeing.
Which is why Recycle Your Auto would like to encourage other businesses to help the community at large through the efforts of ‘The Trees of Hope’.
Giving Back is a Group Effort
Recycle Your Auto is proud to be a part of the 10th Annual Trees of Hope – a charitable opportunity associated with Big Brothers and Big Sisters, as well as the Fraser Health Care Foundation.
The Trees of Hope has been bringing local businesses the opportunity to give back to their community for 10 years now – since its inception in 2009, offering them a positive place to share their brand on a Christmas tree at Seven Oaks Shopping Centre in Abbotsford between November 17th and December 24th, supporting the efforts of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Fraser Valley and the Fraser Valley health Care Foundation.
Many Helping Hands Make for Many Happy Hearts
Easing the burden of any human need is our collective responsibility as caring individuals and companies as a whole. Although it is common for corporations to use charity as a platform to promote their brand and highlight their company on the world stage, sometimes the collective efforts of a variety of small local businesses can make an impact that trickles down into our society, helping raise people up during times when they need it most.
There is a saying: “charity is giving the excess of what you have, sacrifice is giving beyond that which you can spare”; and it is our hope, at Recycle Your Auto, that we all go beyond branding our business with charitable donations this Christmas season. That we all dig a little deeper – into our pockets and into our hearts, giving back to amazing charities like Big Brothers and Sisters with our time, and The Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation with our money, sacrificially giving out of desire and not just out of corporate duty.
Curious to know more? Click here to find out how you can help these worthy causes this season, and put a smile back on the face of someone who needs you to share yours!
Categorised in: Blog, Editorial
This post was written by chris